A healthy penis is a happy penis, so what can men do to make sure their prize possession is up to snuff? Here are some solutions that all men can benefit from: Natural ways to grow penis size.
There are numerous exercises that can make your penis bigger. Some may concentrate on girth, while others concentrate on increasing length. There are even exercises that can do both or improve your stamina dramatically. However, in this article i would like to introduce you to penis stretching exercises.
Penis stretching exercises are mainly used to increase the length of your penis. The aim is to pull and extend the major ligaments of your penis. There is the suspensory ligament which runs along the top of your member, from the base to just before the head. You also have the fundiform ligaments, which run along either side of the shaft and also under the penis.
It is actually the suspensory ligament that a surgeon will sever during penis enlargement surgery. What you may not be aware of is, following surgery you will need to hang weights off your manhood to fully extend the suspensory ligament. That all sounds extremely painful and very pointless when you consider penis stretching exercises will eventually achieve the same thing.
OK, penis stretching exercises make take far longer to produce results. However, you can save yourself the $5000 that surgery costs and as long as you carry the exercises out correctly, there is no chance of pain or injury. I think it is also important that you know, surgery can also have the opposite effect! Often if scar tissue forms around the ligaments after they have been cut into, the penis can actually become drawn back into your body and thus giving you a smaller penis than when you started!
See also: Natural ways to grow penis sizeHere is how to perform the Power stretch, my favourite of all the penis stretching exercises!
- Grasp the head of your penis. If you have a foreskin, pull it back first. Then stretch your penis out directly in front of you. Hold for 15 seconds and then pull a little further out for another 15 seconds. Remember the idea is to feel a good stretch in the ligaments, but don't pull so hard that you cause yourself an injury! If at anytime you feel pain or discomfort then stop immediately.
- You should repeat the same stretch again a further 4 times but in different directions. So your next stretch will be straight up, then straight down. Finish by pulling your manhood to the right and then the left.
By pulling your manhood in all different directions you will give all your ligaments a fantastic stretch. The ligaments of the body are known to grow and when exercised correctly can grow at an alarmingly fast rate! This doesn't mean you can make your penis bigger and double it's size within a week. However, penis stretching exercises have been known to add up to 1-2 inches within a month.
I would suggest in order to make your penis bigger, you should perform the power stretch along with a few other penis enlargement exercises.
See also: Natural ways to grow penis size
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